From The Chairman Desk
The real object of the education is to give to children resources that will endure as long as life endures, habits, that time will ameliorate, not destroy, occupation that will render sickness tolerable, solitude age venerable, life more dignified & useful.
शिक्षा का वास्तविक उददेश्य जीवन के लिए श्रेष्ठ संसाधन उपलब्ध कराना है, वे आदतें पैदा करना है, जो समय के साथ निखर जायें, वे विचार देना हैं जो एकांत को सुखी जार दें. और ऐसा कुछ करना है जो जीवन को आधिक गरिमामय और उपयोगी बनना दे |
Education is not learning, it is the exercise and development of the power of the mind and the two great methods by which this and may be accomplished are in the halls of learning, or in the conflicts of life.
शिक्षा मात्र सिखाना नहीं है यह मन की गुप्त शक्तियों का जागरण एव विकास की प्रक्रिया है, और ए दोनों उददेश्य दो जगह पूर्ण होते है एक विद्यालय की चार दीवारों और दो, जीवन के संघर्ष में |
Mr.Darshan Tiwari
Pragyan Eng.Med.School
You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’” – George Bernard Shaw

the desk of Chairperson .
The purpose of education is to learn the 'art of living' . It is not so difficult to have good life but the same can become a challenge for a person lacking skill to make his or her life comfortable and purposeful . Being educator , I think , schooling is the period where children should learn the art of living to make his or her life more purposeful and meaningful. Gone are the days where discrimination was at peak between male and female child,now society is quite aware, educated and treat children with equality and provide Education to every child of their family . Every child is born with some unique skill , only need to explore the same among children. If a child is not so good academically, I am sure the same child must be good in many other aspect of life , only need to explore this and motivate child to enhance the skill of the same . Being parents , we should not impose our dreams that did not come true in our life, rather support and guide our children to make their dream true . Only , physics , chemistry, math is not meant for good career , Music , drama , art , commerce , banking , agriculture, painting many more subjects are there with which children can pursue good career . In the light of foregoing paras , I hope parents should not upset on the non excel of their children in the field of science subject rather help and support their children to excel in their interesting field , believing in the philosophy of Pragyan school that every child is unique and is born with some unique skill.
“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”

Principal’s Message
It is an immense pleasure for me to be a part of Pragyan Sr Sec School .Schooling play a very pivotal role in the life of children. Now a days , there are many resources available in surrounding to get bookish knowledge even without attaining school but schooling purpose is not limited to bookish education rather to develop children holistically so that children can be turn out a good citizen . To instill moral values among children should be at top priority during schooling and we believe in the same. parents awareness and cooperation is helpful to achieve our mission .Supervision of children 's activity at home is equally important so that we can prepare the children to get through the examination along with all round development of children .Now a days , there is profound impact of social media also , therefore , it is our duty to give sense to our children so that they should not be deviated from purposeful education , internet can be boon or curse for the children , it depends on its use . Gone are the days when children learn within four walls of classroom, now, learning is possible outside the classroom as well . knowingly or unknowingly, children learn all the time from surrounding without opening book that effects the personality of children .Ethical values can be inculcated among the mind of students through the participation of children in various cultural activities of the school, therefore, we have cultural activities throughout the year in school along with classroom teaching to prepare children academically as well socially. In the present scenario, we have numerous doctors, engineers, advocates, teachers, professors, various professional but even though restlessness can be felt in our surrounding, it is only because of lacking ethical values somewhere. Hence being educator, it should be our prime duty to come forward to take responsibilities on our shoulder to instill moral , social values among children for better society and Pragyan Sr Sec school believe in the same . Dear parents feel free to approach my office at any time to seek our assistance that can shape the future of your children in the best way.
With Warm regards.
Mr. Vijay Rajpal
“Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it and virtue is doing it.” – David S Jordon

Dear Students and Parents,
From The Head
Master Desk...
Dear Parents/Guardians,
- Head
master ‘s message
Success never comes
overnight. Success needs continuous efforts and perseverance
.For better academic performance of the students , I suggest that parents
should take initiative well in advance not at the last moment.
Planning has its own importance . For example , if you expect
100 % marks from your child in mathematics in grade X according to
the potential of your child , you need to plan for this from
grade 8 itself . Apart from academic performance , we need to inculcate
moral values among children that will be with them for life long as it
has been seen that crime rate of our country is going up , being educator , we
believe that some where it is lack of instilling moral values among students.
It is at top priority that our children should grow with moral values
along with modern education . An educated person without moral values is
like a golden pot with venom in it . In our society we see many cases
where children overlook their responsibility to look after parents once
they grow old , it is because of lack of moral values which is to be
inculcated among children during their schooling . Many educated people holding
high post involve in an unethical activity , it is because of lack of moral
values during their schooling , so this is high time to construct society with
high morality which is possible only to instill moral values among these
growing children as these today's growing children is tomorrow's citizen as
well as support of their parents and other family members Meditation,
yoga , as well as developing habits of regular prayer can help our
children to grow with sense of responsibility towards parents and the society .
School as well as family ambience can help these children to educate them
with modern education along with boosting up their morale . Once the
child is morally strong then we can expect that these children will be
equally good outside or inside the home with the people whom he or she deals with
in surrounding . We can not skip from our duty saying that we do not have
time. We must spare some time to develop our children with strong morale.
In closing, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your continued trust and support. Together, we will navigate these challenges and emerge stronger as a school community for better society where we dwell.
�"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X�
Head Master,
Head Master, Pragyan Eng.Med.School
“Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it and virtue is doing it.” – David S Jordon

CBSE Affiliation No.: 1030539 | Call us : 91 - 7247335654 | Email ID : | Pragyan School, Sankheda Naka Old Itarsi, Dist Narmadapuram (M.P.) |